Launch Pad: The all-new multipurpose open thread

I’m sticking this to the top of the blog and I’m going to try to do it so it keeps the comments open more or less permanently without repeated posting.

Pretty much any conversation goes, at my discretion. Anything Spanish-language is encouraged.

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1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

Absolutely rigged!

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

Turkish… that’s a plus. Two hour premiere? I’ll give it a try but I bet I’ll constantly be behind.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I really struggle though when they ask participants in cooking shows to kill anything. Especially when it’s amateur cooks. People come to cook, not kill. I guess it makes for compelling television, but I’m not a fan.

Yeah. I’m over analyzing 😂

1 year ago

I just spent too much time figuring out “maíz nixtamalizado and now that I know what it is I feel stupid 😂

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

That scale is faulty! It has to be. Pobre de Sara. I had to laugh when Laura just turned right back around to slice more onions when she heard Sara was shy of 400 grams.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I still need to watch the TCWA episode.

On TCVIP even the participants were like “we aren’t professional chefs!!”

I’m watching TCVIP episode 4 right now and I agree with Sebastian that the ceviche in a cup looks better.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

Forgot to say that I like that I’m about to start the third episode and no one has been eliminated yet. That’s probably just gonna make it harder when they do, but I still appreciate getting to know everyone.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I didn’t watch last time. Maybe I’ll peek at it this time.

I’ve been enjoying Top Chef World all stars.

As for Juego de Mentiras, I’ve gotten a little behind and I’m not sure how motivated I am to catch up.

1 year ago

Wouldn’t it be better to have the most recent comment at the top of Launch Pad? And for the comments to descend to the oldest at the bottom?

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I’m caught up. My head is somewhere between spinning and exploding.

1 year ago

I’m finally giving a serious effort to watching YSBLF. I made the mistake of watching LFMB on another streamer and I probably shouldn’t have. It really doesn’t hold up to YSBLF. At least to me it isn’t. Did Angelica Valle sort of settle in eventually? One day I do want to watch the Mexican version but I don’t think I can handle the sound effects and Angelica’s eye twitch right now.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

Oh that’s sad 🙁

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I adored her! She’ll be missed.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I am a few episodes behind but yeah, that was ridiculous. If Elvis wants to get a conviction he’s gonna need to follow rules a little better. Not to mention actually investigating. Cesar and JF seem to be doing a better job.

I’m still enjoying the show but I’m starting to wonder if the writers are trying to manage too many plot lines.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I’m two episodes behind and I’m not paying super close attention either. I’m afraid if I do the resolution won’t hold up on the first watch. It’s still entertaining enough. Especially watching Klitbo and Yáñez scenes.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I don’t think I even made it through the first season.

I had no idea there were international versions of Top Chef and now I want to see them.

I’m not gonna lie, I was kinda glad the guy from France got eliminated first. I bet he makes it through Last Chance kitchen though.

1 year ago

I would like to amend my prior statement about Noelia. Not volunteering information because no one asked is different from finding something suspicious and hiding it.

Episode two was just as good as the first IMO.

Now it seems that Camila is the only one not lying.

Does Abue count as not lying?

1 year ago

I watched the first episode of Juego de Mentiras. Definitely mysterious. Fabulous cast with lots of familiar faces. I’m always here for Cynthia Klitbo and I don’t think she will disappoint. It’s only the first episode, but I was impressed (for what it’s worth. Hopefully the show won’t let me down.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I’ll give the girl a pass. Not giving up what she knows isn’t exactly lying.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago

I won’t have any time to watch it for the next few months, but I set up to “record” (actually, “add to my library” in YouTube TV lingo) the telenovela that begins tonight on Telemundo: Juego de mentiras. They’ve been promoting it like crazy. Sounds like the kind of mystery I enjoy, and the cast is appealing. Still, until LCdLF is over, I truly don’t have an extra minute for TV.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

I just finished up my rewatch of Corazón Salvaje 1993 in preparation for this novela. I’m all for a good mystery.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago

Guess what I’m watching again? La casa de los famosos! There is something seriously wrong with me.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

This is actually season 3. No real scandalous characters this time (a la Niurka or Laura Bozzo). Pretty dull stuff, but I can listen while doing other things.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I enjoyed that one very much!

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Kat, thanks for keeping El Cohete going. You’re my only link these days to the world of telenovelas.

1 year ago

Merry Merry everyone! Happy vibes for whatever you celebrate.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

Does it end with a cliffhanger? I just saw that Netflix canceled it. I don’t know if I have the courage to start a show with no ending 😂

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I can handle that. I just don’t want to invest in a show only to have it end with a whole bunch of loose ends.

1 year ago

Random thoughts for today- I’ve been thinking about my Spanish tv habits and there was a time where I could stick with a show for 100+ episodes. These days I can’t imagine doing that. I realize I’m missing out on some good shows (Pasión de Gavilanes comes to mind as well as YSBLF), but I just don’t want to invest that much time in a show any more…even if I am knitting while I watch.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sara
Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

Totally agree with you! I’m not sure when my tastes (or tolerance?) changed, but we’re in the same boat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

In my case I’m going to go with tolerance.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago

Do you all know anything about the new Uni novela that starts in January? Cabo:

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

I’m intrigued that they managed to find an actor other than Gabriel Soto. I really haven’t seen any of these leads before. I’ve liked some of the Castro productions I’ve seen before. I’m willing to give the first few episodes a try.

Edit: I just read the Wikipedia entry and oh yeah that sounds like Sortilegio.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sara
Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

Thanks for the comments! I also like the idea of a less familiar cast. Even though we know these leads, we haven’t just seen them in a dozen consecutive productions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

Exactly. I’m ready for some new faces. Maybe not every time because I do have favorites (Like Susana).

I wish I knew how casting decisions get made. Is it solely ratings? Do people only turn in for Sabastian Rulli and Gabriel Soto?

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

I’ve wondered the same. Uni used to sign a lot of stars to exclusivity contracts, but most were dropped in recent years. I suspect that Rulli and Soto are still under contract, so it makes financial sense to use them repeatedly.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

I vaguely recall the story about contracts being dropped.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

Yes, even mainstays like Eric del Castillo were dropped. He was pretty outspoken about it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

Oh wow. I would think the more veteran actors at least would be kept on contract. Not sure I’m going to explain it well but I’m sure the audience for many telenovelas is “of a certain age”. It’s not for nothing that there’s the stereotype of watching with your abuela (kind of the same stereotype for US soaps too). I would think producers would not want to alienate the abuelas 😂

At the same time part of me gets a laugh out of older gentleman getting out out to pasture. It happens to female performers way too often and when they are much younger.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago

This film will be available to watch online for a week. You just need to request a password.

Defiant Lives is a triumphant film that traces the origins of the world-wide disability rights movement. It tells the stories of the individuals who bravely put their lives on the line to create a better world where everyone is valued and can participate. Featuring interviews and rarely seen archival footage, the film reveals how these activists fought to live outside of institutions, challenged the stigmas and negative image of disability portrayed by the media, demanded access to public transportation, and battled to reframe disability rights as a social responsibility relevant to us all.

1 year ago

I finished El Reemplazante. I’m a little sad that there isn’t a third season. There were lots of loose ends that didn’t really get resolved, but at the same time it was a satisfying ending.

I also found the Paquita la del Barrio bionovela on Amazon Prime. I might give it a try eventually. I can’t remember if that’s come up here on the blog or not.

1 year ago

Seriously?! There’s going to be *another* season of ESDLC??

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

Other narconovela franchises have died but this one refuses to go. Except for this and LRDS I thought we were done with this genre.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I’m going with stubborn.

I was reading the season synopsis on Wikipedia and one of the seasons began “Everyone thinks Aurelio is dead”. Apparently that’s how this new season starts as well. It can’t be good that they are recycling plots 😂.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  Sara

You’ve probably heard about the actor’s substance abuse problems and how he hit “rock bottom.” After a successful rehab stint, Telemundo started capitalizing on his reappearance by interviewing him at every opportunity. I just knew they’d figure out a way to further exploit his personal situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

“Cool” is an understatement for that project! Is it another one where you sort of made it up as you went or did you use a pattern? It’s gorgeous!

Depression sucks. Super sucks.

I don’t really know what’s on TV either. I really find myself looking more at what’s on streaming services (free and paid). I’ve got a list going of what I’m going to try after El Reemplazante.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

That is gorgeous!! Thanks so much for sharing it.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

From what you saw of LRDS3, how would you say it compared to 1 and 2?

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I know that they want Kate to be a kick-ass action heroine, but I hated all the promos for Season 2 that had her constantly wielding firearms. It was a real turnoff for me. I decided to skip Season 3.

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

I’ve only watched the 1st season. I thought it was great and had as much of a happy ending as it could. I haven’t watched any of the other seasons because I don’t want to ruin my enjoyment of season one 😂

1 year ago

Book note: I’ve been reading “Todas las hadas del reino” by Laura Gallego. It’s really cute. It’s got 4/5 on Goodreads and 8/10 on Casa del Libro. According to Amazon it’s for grades 8-12 (ages 13-17) so I guess my tastes run young. It’s close to 500 pages but the Spanish is uncomplicated.

1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

And from what I’m hearing you’ve got extra depressing races.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

At least the big red wave (which I picture as a skin rash!) never materialized. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

I read a comment somewhere that called it “light spotting” 😂

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago
Reply to  Sara


Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
1 year ago

Thanks for this new discussion forum, Kat! I wish we didn’t have so many of the same faces in new telenovelas: Gabriel Soto, Sebastián Rulli, David Zepeda, José Ron, etc. Surely, there’s a big talent pool out there that remains untapped.

1 year ago

PS: I’m sort of debating whether I want to give Mi Camino es Amarte a try. I did like MFEA, however, I am not a bit Gabriel Soto fan. MCEA is based on the Chilean novela El Camionero that I started watching back when it aired (2017ish?). Even though I didn’t really stick with El Camionero (It didn’t wow me), I can’t help but compare casts and the Chilean cast wins for me (Except Susana Gonzalez and Maria Elena Swett are both tied).

1 year ago

I like this idea!

I’m still watching El Reemplazante. I’ll finish the first season today. It feels like maybe a grittier version of the original Degrassi Junior high? At least in the sense that the stories seem to revolve around the students as well as el Reemplazante.