The funk continues.
Malverde ended Wednesday, pushing Hercai back to two hours a night until Pasión de Gavilanes 2 starts on 2/14.
I think they left the door open for a spinoff of Malverde, but if it never happens I’m sure not gonna mind.
It did leave me thinking I need to study Mexican history more, but the only thing harder lately than finding a show to really sink into is finding a book to read. Any recommendations?
Por si acaso
They’ve been inextricably linked for so long, that I’m just surprised that it didn’t happen sooner!
I think I’m going to watch La Fuerza del Destino again.
I don’t know what it is, but I’m just not a fan of David Zepeda. A big problem, since he and Jose Ron are in practically everything!
The first thing I saw him in was Sortilegio and that set him up for me not to be able to see him as a galan.
In STuD he started out awful and I think they did a semi-redemption. I think he does villain way better. But I guess he prefers to be a galán.
I agree with you there! Especially Jose Ron.
I wonder how well it holds up.
I’m assuming it holds up pretty well since I’ve decided to watch. I saw Friday’s episode and it reminded me that there were some good parts to it. I remember I wasn’t impressed with the DZ/SE chemistry but there were other stories I really enjoyed. And I really love watching Delia Casanova and Pedro Amendáriz Jr.
This is what makes me reluctant to commit to another novela–the way the networks will suddenly assign it a two-hour slot, when my schedule is already packed to bursting.
The only good thing about it, specifically with Hercai, is that they’re very consistent about the end-of-episode cliffhangers and I like being able to move on to the second hour, or the next day’s episode without having to wait 😀 We never seem to be caught up.
This has nothing to do with Mexico, but my book club loved Las malas, by Camila Sosa Villada. It has a strong autobiographical element, and it’s worth looking for interviews with the author on YouTube. It’s rated 4.49 (out of 5) on Goodreads:
Another book I highly recommend is Lo que no tiene nombre, by Piedad Bonnett, rated 4.57 on Goodreads. The author attended one of our Zoom sessions and was such a delight. She also has lots of interviews on YouTube. See
English or Spanish book recommendations?
Anything! I figure if I expand the pool I’m more likely to be able to find one that fits my mood.
I wonder if the StoryGraph might interest you. It’s a free site/app that recommends books based on mood.