Launch Pad March 26, 2022

SOS me estoy enamorando starts at 3pm on Univision on Monday. It’s Marcelo Cordoba, so I’m in for at least the first few episodes.

Parientes a la fuerza has apparently ended on Telemundo?

Querida enemiga comes to Univision tlnovelas on April 4, replacing Velo de novia.

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Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
2 years ago
Reply to  5ftlatina

I will avoid this one at all costs! I still can’t look myself in the mirror after having watched the first season.

2 years ago

Well I’ve watched two episodes of SOSMEE. So the super hero/comic book fantasies might turn people off but I guess I’m in need of cheesy goofiness right now so I kind of like it.

Daniel Arenas is aging nicely and he’s doing a good job with this role.

Like MFEA it feels like there are a lot of characters for me to sort out. I should probably pay closer attention.

So far I can’t really identify any overt villains which is nice because they really overdid the villainy in MFEA. I’m sure there will be some villains eventually though.

Both MFEA and this have really good child actors.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

Thanks, Sara! Great overview.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
2 years ago

I’ve liked other afternoon offerings that probably bombed in the ratings. For instance: Sin tu mirada.

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

One I regret skipping.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
2 years ago

Since SOS is going to air in the afternoon, doesn’t that typically mean that it had poor ratings in Mexico?

2 years ago
Reply to  Linda Fineman

Apparently it did well.

According to one site it came on around 6:30. I wonder if that’s the family hour there in the way it used to be here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sara
2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

I’ve also found articles about how the ratings have doomed the production as well. Apparently there are two sides to every story 😂

2 years ago

This is the first I’m hearing of SOS. I can’t say I was paying a lot of attention though. I just checked out the cast and the entrada. It’s a Lucero Suarez production. I’ve really enjoyed some of her other shows. Looks like I’ll be giving it a try too.

As an aside, watching LFDD again I’ve come to the conclusion that Marcelo Cordoba is really underappreciated. He’s made every show I’ve seen him in better.

Linda Fineman
Linda Fineman
2 years ago
Reply to  Sara

I like him a lot, too.