Launch Pad March 12, 2022

Clocks move this weekend. Not for me, but since everyone else’s clocks are moving I still have to know what time it is everywhere else.

The perpetual suckiness of the world has definitely got me down. I have no advice except…hang in there, take opportunities to help where you can, and don’t get caught in a worry spiral because that helps no one. (Oh, wait, that was advice, wasn’t it?)

Launch Pad February 12, 2022

Monday is Día de San Valentín, or Día de los Enamorados, or Día del Amor y de la Amistad, or Día de Comer Muchos Chocolates. Have a good one.

Presumably in honor of this day (?) Telemundo’s going to end their afternoon rerun of Pasión de Gavilanes and begin the new season at 10pm.

Also on Monday, UniMás is starting a rerun of Lo que la vida me robó at 9am.

Tuesday at 1pm, Telemundo begins a rerun of Bajo el mismo cielo at 1pm.

Launch Pad January 29, 2022

The funk continues.

Malverde ended Wednesday, pushing Hercai back to two hours a night until Pasión de Gavilanes 2 starts on 2/14.

I think they left the door open for a spinoff of Malverde, but if it never happens I’m sure not gonna mind.

It did leave me thinking I need to study Mexican history more, but the only thing harder lately than finding a show to really sink into is finding a book to read. Any recommendations?